Thursday 7 February 2013

Social networking sites

Examples of some social
networking sites
Social networking sites like Facebook have a huge impact on most people’s daily routine, and a lot of them take up a huge amount of time. These networks are for talking to people you know and to communicate with others. Although sometimes it can be linked to cyber bullying. Facebook was also only set up for a university but spread and is now a huge website worldwide. Sites like YouTube able people to make an account and post videos of their own to share with people all over the world and communicate through searching, commenting and uploading videos…You can also link these sorts of sites together for example YouTube can be shared from YouTube on to websites like Facebook, twitter etc..  YouTube is for posting/commenting on videos and they can be to do with pretty much anything also they can get you noticed for instance people like Justin Beiber, Connor Maynard and Christina Grimme all put up singing videos and are now famous from being scouted by record companies… Also videos can be purely for entertaining for people for example videos like ‘one pound fish’ and ‘Gangnam style’. Twitter is a more recent social networking site which involves following people and hash tagging for example people post something and just like instagram hash tag things that can link into it and add people. Also twitter is a very big trend at the moment and it’s going through exactly the same phase that MySpace, Bebo and face book went through with everyone wanting to have an account… Another thing that has been on twitter fairly recently was the sick joke about the young famous singer Justin Beiber this was only something fairly small… This was the young star smoking cannabis these pictures were soon proved false but had already lead on to something dreadful like young girls cutting themselves to make him stop and also sacrificing pets… Twitter didn’t crack down on this straight away but are in the process of finding out all the people who started this joke. This was an example of people abusing social networking sites as people that have depression may feel mocked by what happened. Ask. FM is also a fairly new social networking/ question site where people can have accounts and go on to others and ask them questions to o one of the problems of this is that it causes people to give out hate through anon(being anonymous) as there is an option whether to reveal who you are or stay on anon, although you can block anon questions from your account many people don’t which can cause people to give a lot of abuse for example telling people that there ugly, worthless and to kill themselves.  So this shows that social networking sites can have a huge effect on people’s lives excpecially when it comes to abuse or cyber bullying online

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