Thursday 7 February 2013

Are teachers required?

Video Discription

At the start of our lesson we watched a documentry called Ted to see wether teachers are required in schools it was based on schools out of england so some of it was abit complicated to understand. After watching it we had to paragraph our veiws on things so here are mine.

My opinion on wether teachers are required

The video was about putting a computer system in place in different countries instead of teachers. It was seen as an opportunity for children to learn more about all sorts of subjects and help them with things that teachers may not know. The only problem is that some websites can hold false information.

 I don’t think that the computer research in sugatra would work here in the UK because we have a strong teaching system and we do well with learning in a mixture of ways. Also people in Britain do not really appreciate school and would rather not learn if they had the choice. I also feel that it would not work very well in GCSE’S as people can lose focus on computers and after a while they can make you lose concentration so learning everything on a computer wouldn’t really work out.

I personally think that teachers aren’t required after watching the video film clip ‘Ted’ which is a person helping people in other countries be taught by a computer system a bit like Skype. I feel it gives children more independence as it means they are responsible for their own learning. On the other hand I feel that teachers should be in schools as learning of a computer system all the time will be straining for children and the computer also may not be able to cover all subjects like physical education. I also think teachers should be there as learning of websites like Wikipedia doesn’t mean that the information is true as anybody can access Wikipedia and have their say on any subject that they want this means that dates can be wrong and also people could lie about information. Also for behaviour reasons children may act differently if they are constantly in front of a computer or they might be challenging anyway which means that teachers would have to be there to control and monitor their behaviour and also to check if they are actually doing their work as some students would take it as an opportunity to not work. Although it seemed to work in places like South Africa I feel like it wouldn’t work for Britain because we already have the resources and use them often so for us it wouldn’t make much of a difference.

Therefore I prefer how we use learning in the uk as there is a range of different ways, as not everyone can learn in the same way some people might not be comfortable using computers and might need teaching differently which means a teacher would be needed for them students but with a computer it couldn’t be done.

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