Thursday 7 February 2013

Search engines (e.g-google)

Google's Logo
Google and  Wikipedia are both used to give information and can be said or accessed by anyone that chooses to contribute over the internet. Wikipedia is controlled by people though to make sure that facts are right due to the fact that the information could be false it is checked regulary but still there could be some mistakes. Therefore it isn’t correct all the time and gives out incorrect information so isn’t a very reliable source if you need information on something/someone. Google on the other hand is a website that links all of the other websites by using a search engine therefore holds websites so you are very likely to get the information you need due to the fact there is more than one source, Google can also help when it comes to things like language or travelling with the fact that it has links like Google Maps and Google. There is also other sites like Ask Jeeves for example where you ask a certain question and there is usually certain website links that are linked to the question you asked or is a straight up answer for the question you asked so either way you get an idea of the answer. Ask Jeeves and Google are a lot more reliable than Wikipedia because Wikipedia is just one source whereas Websites like Google and Ask Jeeves have many different sources therefore if one is wrong there is another one that could be used to answer what you need to know. Google is also good as you can all sorts of images and copy them into certain documents or if you wanted something printed for a homework or something it is really easy to find it on the subject your on.

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