Thursday 7 February 2013

Are teachers required?

Video Discription

At the start of our lesson we watched a documentry called Ted to see wether teachers are required in schools it was based on schools out of england so some of it was abit complicated to understand. After watching it we had to paragraph our veiws on things so here are mine.

My opinion on wether teachers are required

The video was about putting a computer system in place in different countries instead of teachers. It was seen as an opportunity for children to learn more about all sorts of subjects and help them with things that teachers may not know. The only problem is that some websites can hold false information.

 I don’t think that the computer research in sugatra would work here in the UK because we have a strong teaching system and we do well with learning in a mixture of ways. Also people in Britain do not really appreciate school and would rather not learn if they had the choice. I also feel that it would not work very well in GCSE’S as people can lose focus on computers and after a while they can make you lose concentration so learning everything on a computer wouldn’t really work out.

I personally think that teachers aren’t required after watching the video film clip ‘Ted’ which is a person helping people in other countries be taught by a computer system a bit like Skype. I feel it gives children more independence as it means they are responsible for their own learning. On the other hand I feel that teachers should be in schools as learning of a computer system all the time will be straining for children and the computer also may not be able to cover all subjects like physical education. I also think teachers should be there as learning of websites like Wikipedia doesn’t mean that the information is true as anybody can access Wikipedia and have their say on any subject that they want this means that dates can be wrong and also people could lie about information. Also for behaviour reasons children may act differently if they are constantly in front of a computer or they might be challenging anyway which means that teachers would have to be there to control and monitor their behaviour and also to check if they are actually doing their work as some students would take it as an opportunity to not work. Although it seemed to work in places like South Africa I feel like it wouldn’t work for Britain because we already have the resources and use them often so for us it wouldn’t make much of a difference.

Therefore I prefer how we use learning in the uk as there is a range of different ways, as not everyone can learn in the same way some people might not be comfortable using computers and might need teaching differently which means a teacher would be needed for them students but with a computer it couldn’t be done.

Peer pressure through technology

There is a lot of peer pressure to get the newest technology for example with apple everybody wants an upgrade from there newish iPhone 4s to get the latest iPhone 5. This is so people feel like they can understand the newest technology and also how it benefits them. Online security is for protecting your privacy and is used on all social networking accounts, bank accounts and other sites that may need to protect information about as person or things important to the person. I think that peer pressure on this subject is good though because if people have the latest technology then they will understand it better and it will make IT as a subject stronger and more interesting to learn about. There is also a lot of competition with not only the customers that buy these products but the different business’s that produce them… they all want to get a higher profit so they all try to make their technology to the highest quality but they all end up making the same thing there is really never that much difference in the product. This also links in with the advertisement as people are bought in by the adverts that these companies make for their product. Phones have not always been such a big part of people’s lives though as the first wireless phone was produced 1n 1947 where many family’s couldn’t afford a phone and you was considered very rich and cool to be seen with one or they would have one in their family home but it would be a house phone and wouldn’t be wireless it would have a long cord whereas in the last 10-15 years it is quite strange for people to not have a phone.
Example of Phones- Iphone


Advertising is done worldwide. It is where company’s pay to get there product seen by the public. It can be done by websites, magazines, posters, and billboards and on social networking sites like Facebook. Advertising is usually convincing someone to buy a product for a specific reason. For example Estee Lauder advertises makeup products in order to make their products well known to make more profit from what they sell as if more people know about it there will be more possible buyers and more money.  Advertising is a huge industry involving many different media groups. These groups make sure that the advert is looking the best that it possibly can the whole way through.
Bilbord advertisement

Search engines (e.g-google)

Google's Logo
Google and  Wikipedia are both used to give information and can be said or accessed by anyone that chooses to contribute over the internet. Wikipedia is controlled by people though to make sure that facts are right due to the fact that the information could be false it is checked regulary but still there could be some mistakes. Therefore it isn’t correct all the time and gives out incorrect information so isn’t a very reliable source if you need information on something/someone. Google on the other hand is a website that links all of the other websites by using a search engine therefore holds websites so you are very likely to get the information you need due to the fact there is more than one source, Google can also help when it comes to things like language or travelling with the fact that it has links like Google Maps and Google. There is also other sites like Ask Jeeves for example where you ask a certain question and there is usually certain website links that are linked to the question you asked or is a straight up answer for the question you asked so either way you get an idea of the answer. Ask Jeeves and Google are a lot more reliable than Wikipedia because Wikipedia is just one source whereas Websites like Google and Ask Jeeves have many different sources therefore if one is wrong there is another one that could be used to answer what you need to know. Google is also good as you can all sorts of images and copy them into certain documents or if you wanted something printed for a homework or something it is really easy to find it on the subject your on.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality is games that are similar or are a game like sims. Sims lets you live like you would do in reality the only difference is the fact it's on a computer game these sorts of games are bad as they can be very addictive and there have been cases of people thinking that is actually there real life. For example you can start things like a family on Sims and have aspirations just like real life but you can do things your way by using the cheat codes ‘motherlode’ to give you as much money as you would like and you can have whatever quality’s and habits you like whereas in real life you don’t choose what your like. You can also choose your genes by transforming a random child by the parents or you could make them look completely different. These games are very bad though because they are extremely addictive and can brain wash people into thinking that Is there actual life which is a huge problem but can be treated by certain doctors/councillers

Impact of television

Social impacts on Television

3D Tv example
TV’s are normally found in most family homes and have different sorts of programmes for all ages and types of people. There are also cinemas which are used for day outs and can cost a fair amount if you’re with your family, In most cinemas there is now 3D depending if the film has the choice of 3D. 3D offers a different view of films in cinemas and now on recent DVDS which gives you a chance to see the DVDS in 3D in your own home. TV’s haven’t always been so popular though and around 70 years ago it was rare for family’s to have a TV and if they did they would have either one or two channels compared to the hundreds of choice we have in our homes today.

Portable Gaming

Portable gaming devices have a big impact on people of all ages; they are easy to take places and can be used for learning as some of the devices have special apps or games for learning purposes. Portable gaming devices haven’t been around for that long in fact they have only been around since 1976 which isn’t actually that long. There is a lot of gaming in the world now compared to 10 years ago more software comes out and everybody wants to get it so software and gaming is now a huge industry. The Wii for instance bought out in 2006 in Japan where it was first launched it soon came to England and was a huge hit in family homes for the fact you can have a lot of players. Another example would be the play station range usually used by boys but has a lot of stuff for girls+familys too!! Play station was one of the first big consoles out and is still used by people today. There is also another Nintendo brand which is the Nintendo Ds range which have now bought out Dsi and 3Ds which many children buy and love. Another example would be XBOX which is definitely again more popular with boys and is very similar to the play station but still has a range of games for it. Portable gaming is also easier it takes up less electricity as it is not constantly plugged in and only needs charging every so often depending on the usage which means that it is better for the environment then things like Xbox because computer systems like that need to be connected through electricity and are not battery powered. Things like the PSP are also very handy for long journeys as they are light and small so can fit in luggage and are easy to get out and use.
Example of a portable gaming device

Social networking sites

Examples of some social
networking sites
Social networking sites like Facebook have a huge impact on most people’s daily routine, and a lot of them take up a huge amount of time. These networks are for talking to people you know and to communicate with others. Although sometimes it can be linked to cyber bullying. Facebook was also only set up for a university but spread and is now a huge website worldwide. Sites like YouTube able people to make an account and post videos of their own to share with people all over the world and communicate through searching, commenting and uploading videos…You can also link these sorts of sites together for example YouTube can be shared from YouTube on to websites like Facebook, twitter etc..  YouTube is for posting/commenting on videos and they can be to do with pretty much anything also they can get you noticed for instance people like Justin Beiber, Connor Maynard and Christina Grimme all put up singing videos and are now famous from being scouted by record companies… Also videos can be purely for entertaining for people for example videos like ‘one pound fish’ and ‘Gangnam style’. Twitter is a more recent social networking site which involves following people and hash tagging for example people post something and just like instagram hash tag things that can link into it and add people. Also twitter is a very big trend at the moment and it’s going through exactly the same phase that MySpace, Bebo and face book went through with everyone wanting to have an account… Another thing that has been on twitter fairly recently was the sick joke about the young famous singer Justin Beiber this was only something fairly small… This was the young star smoking cannabis these pictures were soon proved false but had already lead on to something dreadful like young girls cutting themselves to make him stop and also sacrificing pets… Twitter didn’t crack down on this straight away but are in the process of finding out all the people who started this joke. This was an example of people abusing social networking sites as people that have depression may feel mocked by what happened. Ask. FM is also a fairly new social networking/ question site where people can have accounts and go on to others and ask them questions to o one of the problems of this is that it causes people to give out hate through anon(being anonymous) as there is an option whether to reveal who you are or stay on anon, although you can block anon questions from your account many people don’t which can cause people to give a lot of abuse for example telling people that there ugly, worthless and to kill themselves.  So this shows that social networking sites can have a huge effect on people’s lives excpecially when it comes to abuse or cyber bullying online

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Social impacts of apple(company)

Apple products have a big effect on my life as I use a lot of their products including the Ipad, iPod, iPhone, iMac and MacBook pro on a daily basis this is just one example of how it can effect peoples day. I think they are very clever and help people out with the apps/software that they contain. Phones are used by most people from teenage years and upwards and are a quicker way of contacting people when you need them instead of by letter like they would before transportable phones where invented . Like most big companies Apple uses a lot of different types of advertisement to bring in buyers to their products but a lot of people complain that apples products are all so similar which is quite true considering the IPad is pretty much the same as the IPod but a lot bigger. It contains all the same software and the IPhone range is also very similar it just includes apps for phoning/texting purposes… however Apple isn’t the only brand bringing technology like the Ipad out as a lot of other big companies are making tablets very similar which contain a lot of the same apps and other things that the Ipad hold an example of a different tablet like the Ipad would be The new Google nexus which is a tablet just like the Ipad due to the fact its fast, presented well and contains helpful and fun apps for a range of different people and also loads of different ages so is useful for the whole family to use.
Creator of apple
Steve Jobs